Sunday, August 28, 2016



Nelson making that hard save once again!

I'm very impressed with the coming together of the team.

When I first created this team, we found players from all over the place. 
It took a while, but this team is experiencing the benefits of working together.

I told you all at the beginning of the year, that this was going to be a building year.
I didn't care if we got beat 10-0.
I don't give a flying F if we lose every game.
The objective was to build up a team...and I said TEAM for the coming years.

The Darlington League suffers from a well known affliction.
Some Owners who have such egos that don't like to lose.
This has created a pseudo Rep league...
Where the top four prey on the bottom four.

Many of you want to keep our way as a REC league.
We have many fine players.
But when other teams take from European leagues and Toronto Leagues, well...
We just can't compete.

The Spartan motto is Learn, Adapt and Overcome.
We are accomplishing all of those, and having fun in the process.
AND that, is a successful season.

Baron's Three Stars:
1. Stephen
2. Abe
3. Curtis

Sunday, August 21, 2016



Needless and Aggressive Actions result in unsafe conditions!
Welcome to Baron's Rant!

Today we talk about something of a problem within the realm of our league.
Unsafe and potentially life endangering practices.

Coming into our game Sunday, we were in last place.
No threat to any team...perhaps an easy three points.

When I talked to you pre season, I stressed that we would play more relaxed.
We would maximize on the fun aspect.
As Stephen put it "competitive" yet considering safety over recklessness.

If you could score a goal, but injure a player, what would be your choice?
Does it matter on the severity of the injury?
Does it matter that the person will miss work, potentially causing grief to his family?
Would you commit to the same move were that person your son, daughter or spouse?

In Ramon's case, the injury was not fatal...thank the gods.
But the impact of this event will follow him for the rest of his life thanks to thoughtlessness.
And to his friends, like myself, him lying there was more emotionally taxing than the game itself.

"You know I didn't mean it" the fast pace world of sports, let's assume you didn't.
But the results speak for themselves.
And again, if that were your relative, would you have committed the same foul?

To the REF:
I don't presume to debate your profound wisdom in issuing a "Yellow" card.
Your logic was faulty.
Your gut told you it was a red...and yet you faltered.
That is not the mark of a wise man...take this event as a chance to improve yourself.
For you have made it clear that an injury of this sort will mean a warning.
Not an ejection.
And players of that caliber do take note.
Maybe next time the fallen player will not recover.
Consider that...REF.

I want each of you reading this to understand that this is a game.
We play to have fun.
We don't get paid.
And when the fun leaves, so do we.

I can only relate to my personal efforts.
I do not play at 100%.
I err on the side of caution.
I will let a goal in if it means I don't injure someone.
I'm here to run and have fun.
I don't even care about the score.
I don't pretend that I'm in the FIFA World Cup Finals.

Some players need to get back to the love of the game and its players.
Before the League folds due to the reputation that a few put out.

Baron's Three Stars
1. Nelson
2. Trevor
3. Jeremy

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Is that Anders as the diagram model?
"It's hard to believe," Baron revealed to the Oshawa This Week," that long time player Anders would go against his contract. Just awful."

The incident known as "WorkOutGate" was brought to Senior staff within the Spartan Organization after a trip to a neighbouring country.

Anders, known for his line of underwear, gloves and hats, was not available for comment.
But he did say this:
"When I was younger, I did some things that I may not be proud of in my older years. It was a time of experiment and reflection. Don't judge me!"

The Spartan Football Club was forced to take the step of suspending him pending review of the incident.

Modelling Agency S. Partan Fealty Crew was quick to launch legal action against the beleaguered mid fielder.

Caught at home, doing tiles for his bathroom, again Anders had no comment.
"Let me tell you this, though," the super star model was quoted as saying," to make a bathroom sunnier, you need a lighter more reflective tile." 

Team opinion was mixed.

"I don't know what Anders was thinking," stated Keeper Nelson,"he's doing the exercise completely wrong and not utilizing his full tricep muscles."

"Honestly," retorted habitually injured Lloyd," the picture doesn't even look like him. Wait...we're talking about Curtis or Ramon?"

And Assistant Captain Jason had this final comment concerning WorkOutGate:
"It can't be him. The arms are way bigger and those pecs. I wouldn't leave the house looking like that."

July 10

Baron's Three Stars:
1. Curtis
2. Jeremy
3. Matt

July 17

Baron's Three Stars:
1. Jason
2. Tom
3. Jordan

July 24
Curtis (G)

Baron's Three Stars:
1. Curtis
2. Brad
3. Stephen

August 7

Aaron (A)
Ramon (G)

Baron's Three Stars:
1. Nelson
2. Matt
3. Ramon