Sunday, August 24, 2014


OH HELL YEAH...that hits the spot
Half Time for Oranges got a new meaning this season, thanks to a little known sponsor!

The Spartans have teamed up with the world's best idea. Put an energy drink into a plastic wrapper, freeze it and then consume during the game.

It's not your Dad's Freezee anymore.

Spartan Fans have embraced the dual nature of the Oranges and Squeezees.

"It's very refreshing," Devon was heard saying, gulping down his fifth of the half. He would later go on to score the Spartan's only goal. In part, thanks to the energy within this adult ice refreshment.

Will the Squeeze(e) replace the Baron's Oranges?

"Highly unlikely," retorted Baron, "but it does make for a wonderful change!"

Anders (A)
Devon (G)

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