Monday, April 30, 2012


Can Warner Bremen Repeat?
"The simple answer is...YES!" gloated Captain Warner of Warner Bremen."I have assembled the greatest team in existance. Even Borussia Dortmund would fear us!"

The Baron's Cup has a long and prestigious history in this second year of its running. Football and Soccer players from all over the globe will come to Oshawa for a chance to win it.

According to WikiPedia, the Baron's Cup is
" aged bottle of Becks that has something growing inside of it. Overaged and out of practice players spend the day attempting to regain their lost youth. Fights often occur over whether they are called Footballers and Soccerers. The winner drinks from the bottle, which illicits a drug induced catatonia."

This year the action will take place at the FIFA standard Civic Fields. With its plush surroundings, friendly staff and soft padding, this is one turf that you'll fall in love with!


BaronLove69 said...

The Baron is on the top of his game...there's no doubt he will lead himself to victory!

IronLyon said...

I'm not sure I'll be playing.

Last time I played a Champions League game with Kevin, I was fondled roughly and didn't even get a dinner.