Friday, August 20, 2010

Indoor Soccer!

Join us for Indoor Soccer!
Greetings All...
Here's some options for continuing the soccer skills under cold snowy skies ahead!

From Captain Ian:
I am putting a team into darlington for indoor. I will be carrying 16 to 18 players. cost will depend on how many sign. About $200 per with a cost for uniforms if we don't get a sponser. So if anyone has ideas for sponsers let me know. The more we get from sponsers the lower the cost per player. We pay as a team not individuals. We have to have a deposit paid by sept 7th, and the total by the 16th. So anyone who is interested please email me right away. I will need a $20 deposit from each player to hold your spot. I apologize to anyone who doesn't get on the team but indoor is played with 6 on the field so I can't take too many.

From the Baron
For those of you that have interest, I play in a "pick up" League during the winter called the FAW. It's very competitive, without the worries of getting injured, fighting or hostiles. We play with hockey nets, and inside a gym. It's intense, fun and cheap. Last year we paid $50 for the season (September to April). It's 4 on 4, with subs. No slide tackles, no refs (we don't need them as it's purely honour system). There are no set teams. Whoever shows up gets put into a pool and the skills are divided equally. Three half hour games with breaks inbetween. Pat and I have played in this league before, and it's a blast...really fun. Email me should you need more info on this.


Captain Ian said...

sorry guys here is the game night and times for indoor Men's Game Nights:

Fridays, 8 pm to 11 pm, with 10 pm
weeknight games rotated through the week

The Baron said...

FAW games are Monday nights, starting at 2000h and going to 2200h.

Mark said...

Baron, where is the FAW being played?

The Baron said...

I have put a pernament posting in regards to both possibilities. Please check them out.