Saturday, November 24, 2018


Salutations Baron Football League Supporters!

It's the Saturday before the Baron's Tournament, and I'm stoked

We just set new chill records for the area on Thursday, but our lads are always heating up the level of competition!

In our "C" League, why keep track of Standings and Scores and Individual efforts?

It's important for the men of the BFL to have a bit of fun.
What better than emulate the professional leagues in their scoring challenges?

In the past the guys have had a lot of fun going after these titles.
They know that if they score or assist they get points.
They know that play is rewarded through the Man of the Match.
If they don't win that, they could win the Honourable Mention.
Keepers get in on it as well.
So any position, any player could lead the pack.

From last week we found that the action is pretty competitive.
Lokomotive is adjusting their team, and looking to put a new player or two in the roster.

The surprise of the first complete Round is that Dynamo Bowmanville S.C. is currently undefeated.
Congratulations to them and their efforts.

I can't wait to see Round Two!

November 18th STATS

(COR) Stephane B (A)
(COR) Cory W (G)
(COR) Leigh A (GWG)
(COR) Peter C (A)
(COR) Leigh A (G)

Man of the Match: (COR) Leigh A
Honourable Mention: (COR) Derek P
Keeper: (COR) Derek P (WIN)

(POP) Kyel Alves (A)
(POP) Stephen S(G)

Man of the Match: (POP) Stephen S
Honourable Mention: (POP) Chris K
Keeper: (POP) Luis

(WHI) Carlos R (A)
(WHI) Saul T (G)

Man of the Match: (WHI) Carlos R
Honourable Mention: (WHI) Saul T
Keeper: (WHI) Roland K

(BOW) Jeff E (A)
(BOW) Greg E (G)
(BOW) Jeff E (GWA)
(BOW) Tyler B (GWG)
(BOW) Brandon G (A)
(BOW) Tyler B (G)

Man of the Match: (BOW) Alex P
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Greg E
Keeper: (BOW) Alex P

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