Saturday, December 8, 2018

Baron Football League


Greetings Players and Fans!

Just a quick one today.
Not a lot of time for the Blog this week.

Lots of things going on.

We are heading into the Christmas Break with Bowmanville in solid first place.

It's been a while since we've been able to say that one!

This is Bowmanville's third season, and they're firing on all cylinders.
Despite some epic competitors, the Greens are undefeated and look like the favourites to win the BFL.

Oshawa City, on the other hand, is having a really bad start.
After four Cup wins, they look towards being shut out completely.

The moral of this story is that you should never take immeasurable skill lightly.

Football is a team game, and the best team will find ways to win despite vulnerabilities.

There's always time for a turn around.
Can the Greens find themselves in the bottom in the New Year?
Can the Blacks climb back up and show the world why they are the Four Time Champions?

Let's wait and see.

December 2nd STATS:

(COR) Leigh (A)
(COR) Doug (G)
(COR) Leigh (G)

Man of the Match: (COR) Leigh
Honourable Mention: (COR) Peter

(WHI) Loli (GWA)
(WHI) Antonio (GWG)
(WHI) Loli (A)
(WHI) Saul (G)
(WHI) Loli (A)
(WHI) Pino (G)
(WHI) Pino (A)
(WHI) Antonio (G)

Man of the Match: (WHI) Roland
Honourable Mention: (WHI) Antonio
Keeper: (WHI) Roland (WIN) (CLEAN SHEET)

Man of the Match: (OSH) Nate
Honourable Mention: (OSH) Derek

(BOW) Jeff E (A)
(BOW) Tyler B (G)
(BOW) Jeff E (A)
(BOW) Brandon G (G)
(BOW) Jake B (GWA)
(BOW) Brandon G (GWG)
(BOW) Ales C (A)
(BOW) Tyler B (G)
(BOW) Tyler B (A)
(BOW) Brandon G (G)
(BOW) Jeff E (A)
(BOW) Brandon G (G)
(BOW) Jeff E (G)

Man of the Match: (BOW) Brandon G
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Jeff E
Keeper: (BOW) John G (WIN)

Friday, November 30, 2018



Good Evening Sports Followers!

Well, it's Evening somewhere in the world, maybe even here.

The onset of unseasonably cold weather may put a freeze on the activities outside, but inside the Civic Auditorium, things are crazy hot.

I'm, of course, referring to the Baron's Cup Tournament.

I received an email the other day from one of my guys, indicating that we should change it up a bit.
Why not? I asked myself. Great suggestion.


We picked teams, and I tried to keep them equal.
Well, strike one for Baron.
Had to change some players around.
Ah yes...not too bad.

As you'll see from our Facebook page, the games were very close, and the teams are closely spaced in the rankings.

Did I say TEAMS?


The Baron's Cup is now going to be a Tournament with constant players.
It's still going to be players from different teams...this is a standard in my Tournament.
But I think it'll be better...the guys will get to know each other.
And this creates a friendly environment so that our league thrives.

How will the rest of the Tournament go?
Stay Tuned my friends!


Saturday, November 24, 2018


Salutations Baron Football League Supporters!

It's the Saturday before the Baron's Tournament, and I'm stoked

We just set new chill records for the area on Thursday, but our lads are always heating up the level of competition!

In our "C" League, why keep track of Standings and Scores and Individual efforts?

It's important for the men of the BFL to have a bit of fun.
What better than emulate the professional leagues in their scoring challenges?

In the past the guys have had a lot of fun going after these titles.
They know that if they score or assist they get points.
They know that play is rewarded through the Man of the Match.
If they don't win that, they could win the Honourable Mention.
Keepers get in on it as well.
So any position, any player could lead the pack.

From last week we found that the action is pretty competitive.
Lokomotive is adjusting their team, and looking to put a new player or two in the roster.

The surprise of the first complete Round is that Dynamo Bowmanville S.C. is currently undefeated.
Congratulations to them and their efforts.

I can't wait to see Round Two!

November 18th STATS

(COR) Stephane B (A)
(COR) Cory W (G)
(COR) Leigh A (GWG)
(COR) Peter C (A)
(COR) Leigh A (G)

Man of the Match: (COR) Leigh A
Honourable Mention: (COR) Derek P
Keeper: (COR) Derek P (WIN)

(POP) Kyel Alves (A)
(POP) Stephen S(G)

Man of the Match: (POP) Stephen S
Honourable Mention: (POP) Chris K
Keeper: (POP) Luis

(WHI) Carlos R (A)
(WHI) Saul T (G)

Man of the Match: (WHI) Carlos R
Honourable Mention: (WHI) Saul T
Keeper: (WHI) Roland K

(BOW) Jeff E (A)
(BOW) Greg E (G)
(BOW) Jeff E (GWA)
(BOW) Tyler B (GWG)
(BOW) Brandon G (A)
(BOW) Tyler B (G)

Man of the Match: (BOW) Alex P
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Greg E
Keeper: (BOW) Alex P

Thursday, November 15, 2018


The Story so Far...

Greetings True Believers!

The death of Stan Lee, the great comic book creator, is a loss that may not affect everyone, but it should.

He has created an entire culture, a separate entity that spans the globe. From small beginnings, he rose up and his vision took hold.

His legacy will not soon be forgotten.

To Stan Lee, wherever he may reside, I say Thank you.

I also want to take the time to thank our Veterans for their sacrifices in the line of duty.

Happy Remembrance Day to those who serve our nation.

We all owe a lot to them, wherever they may be!

Moving forward to the BFL...

Some interesting results on Sunday, to say the least.

Emerging are two teams in particular interest.

Dynamo Bowmanville S.C. seems almost invincible these days.
Led by their Captain Brandon, they are a total team, with lots of firepower.

Sporting Port Perry is our expansion team, and showing each game that they are a force with which to be reckoned.
There isn't a set team on this side, which makes covering them all that more difficult.

Now the two smash together this Sunday.

My prediction: a draw, just to annoy the Fans.

Have a great week!

November 11th 2018 Stats

(BOW) Brandon G (A)
(BOW) Ales C (G)
(BOW) Tyler B (A)
(BOW) Brandon G (G)
(BOW) John G (A)
(BOW) Tyler B (G)
(BOW) Brandon G (GWA)
(BOW) Tyler B (GWG)
(BOW) Jeff E (A)
(BOW) Greg E (G)
(BOW) Alex P (PPA)
(BOW) Tyler B (PPG)

Man of the Match: (BOW) Tyler B
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Ales C
Keeper: (BOW) John G (WIN)

(POP) Pedro T (A)
(POP) John S (G)
(POP) Pedro T (A)
(POP) John S (G)
(POP) Kyle A (A)
(POP) Marco S (G)
(POP) John S (A)
(POP) Darren M (G)
(POP) Derrick M (GWA)
(POP) Marco S (GWG)
(POP) Marco S (A)
(POP) John  S (G)
(POP) Kyle A (A)
(POP) Marco S (G)
(POP) Marco S (A)
(POP) John S (G)

Man of the Match: (POP) John S
Honourable Mention: (POP) Chris K
Keeper: (POP) Luis C (WIN)

(WHI)  (A)
(WHI) Steve R (G)
(WHI) Pedro (A)
(WHI) Wayne (G)
(WHI) Saul T (A)
(WHI) Steve R (G)

Man of the Match: (WHI) Saul T
Honourable Mention: (WH) Matt N
Keeper: (WHI) Roland K

(OSH) Curtis P (A)
(OSH) Steven M (G)
(OSH) Steven M (A)
(OSH) Curtis P (G)
(OSH) Leigh (A)
(OSH) Curtis (G)
(OSH) Stephen diM (A)
(OSH) Curtis (G)

Man of the Match: (OSH) Curtis
Honourable Mention: (OSH) Steven M
Keeper: (OSH) Michael S

Wednesday, November 7, 2018


Hey Football Followers!

Baron here...

Some exciting playing this year.
I'm really happy with the fact that most of the games are close.
We've had two ties this season, which is more than the other seasons.
The method is working.

But is it?

The Champions have yet to win a game.
Is it due to a lack of a seasoned Keeper?
Is it due to people not showing up?
Is it...
Is it...

One of the most important aspects of the Baron Football League is the fact that we play competitive football at a recreational level.

Some of us have played pro, semi pro, REP, etc...but the teams are REC level.

And I keep them balanced so that no matter your skill, you'll have fun.

There may be some tough choices to come in the following weeks.

But I think that we'll find our true groove eventually.

And I look upon my fellow BFL'ers to work towards this goal.
After all, what's the point if every game isn't exciting and prone to a nail biting finish?


(OSH) Stephen D (A)
(OSH) Curtis P(G)

Man of the Match: (OSH) Curtis P
Honourable Mention: Mike C
Keeper: Michael S

(COR) Leigh A (A)
(COR) Peter C (G)
(COR) Tyler M (GWG)
(COR) Leigh A (A)
(COR) Stephane B (G)
(COR) Brian M (G)

Man of the Match: (COR) Derek P
Honourable Mention: (COR) Tyler M
Keeper: (COR) Derek P

(WHI) Pino M (A)
(WHI) Steve R (G)
(WHI) Saul (A)
(WHI) Pino (G)
(WHI) Ramy (A)
(WHI) Wayne B (G)
(WHI) Saul (A)
(WHI) Steve R (G)


Man of the Match: (WHI) Steve R
Honourable Mention: (WHI) Pino M
Keeper: (WHI) Roland K (TIE)

(POP) Stephen S (A)
(POP) Kyle A (G)
(POP) Pat S (A)
(POP) John S (G)
(POP) Tom L (A)
(POP) Stephen S (G)
(POP) Kyle A (A)
(POP) Stephen S (G)

Man of the Match: (POP) Stephen S
Honourable Mention: (POP) Kyle A
Keeper: (POP) Luis C

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Good Morning Sports Fans!
Baron here!

Just finished a Toaster Strudel, some veggies and a mix of protein from what was left in the fridge.
Tastes just right...and keeps me from dipping into the Halloween Loot my kids earned.

A few things I want to say.

It's great to see the BFL take off with so much energy and excitement.
The guys are pumped, and it shows on the field.
I'm seeing tonnes of amazingly good (and sometimes bad) plays.

Remember that this is a "C" League.
That doesn't mean that we "dumb" down our skills.
It just means that SAFETY takes precedence of scoring that goal or getting that loose ball.
Guys...remember that injuries hurt in the short and long term.

What I like to see is true "shoulder to shoulder" action.
No cheap shots...even when the Official is obviously NOT looking.

And if the Official gets the call wrong, please (PLEASE) be honest.
So if the ball came off you and off the touchline, give it to your opponent.
If the goal went in, and you KNOW it went in, concede.

This is called SPORTSMANSHIP.
And like it says in your Player's Handbook, that's what we build teams upon.

Because if you're not honest, and playing with honour, this creates a toxic atmosphere.

Would you play a game with your young kids and cheat on them just to win?
I hope not.
Because that sends a bad message...that we will win at any cost.

I recently Officiated a game that would decide the playoffs.
The White team scored, and with five minutes to play, clinched their spot.
The White Coach came on field and told me that he had too many men on the field.
He didn't have to tell me...he could have been silent and taken the win.
But he had honour, and his team learned something important.

You may disagree, but I hope you don't.
Because reputation is all important.



(BOW) Greg E (A)
(BOW) Tyler B (G)
(BOW) Jake B (A)
(BOW) Tyler B (G)
(BOW) Jeff E (GWA)
(BOW) Brandon G (GWG)
(BOW) Tyler B (A)
(BOW) Brandon G (G)
(BOW) Matt R (A)
(BOW) Brandon (G)

Man of the Match: (BOW) Jake B
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Tyler B
Keeper: (BOW) John G (WIN)

(OSH) Nate H (A)
(OSH) Curtis (G)
(OSH) Mike C (A)
(OSH) Steve M (G)

Man of the Match: (OSH) Mike C
Honourable Mention: (OHS) Nate H
Keeper: (OSH) Tom I

(COR) Stephane B (A)
(COR) Tray S (G)

Man of the Match: (COR) Derek P
Honourable Mention: (COR) Tyler M
Keeper: (COR) Derek P (TIE)

(POP) Pedro T (A)
(POP) Darren M (G)

Man of the Match: (POP) Luis
Honourable Mention: (POP) Darren
Keeper: (POP) Luis (TIE)

Friday, November 2, 2018


Hey there Sports Fans!

Baron is sitting here, typing stuff out and revamping the Blog site.
Sometimes I wonder if the Blog serves a purpose...and just when I think I should delete it, the Golden Pear winner from last year FaceBook's me.

Now Saul is a tremendous asset to the world of local soccer. I have seen this guy give his time and blood to teaching the new, the experienced and the old. He works tirelessly with his friends to produce teams of excellent calibre.

He's also quite a character on the pitch, and isn't afraid to ask the tough questions.

"Baron, we need to know the Golden Pear COMPLETE standings," he messages me.

Here I am, working on this stuff, and Saul settles my decision.
The Blog that I have maintained for over a decade will remain.
We'll just tweak a little here, and a little there.

I hope that you guys approve of the changes!

October 21st STATS:

(COR) Tyler M (A)
(COR) Cory W (G)
(COR) Cory W (A)
(COR) Doug P (G)
(COR) Tyler M (A)
(COR) Cory We (G)
(COR) Stephane B (G)

Man of the Match: (COR) Derek Palmer
Honourable Mention: (COR) Stephane Boucher
Keeper: (COR) Derek Palmer

(OSH) Mike C (A)
(OSH) Abe (G)
(OSH) Abe (A)
(OSH) Dave T (G)

Man of the Match: (OSH) Vince
Honourable Mention : (OSH) Abe
Keeper: (OSH) Vince

(BOW) Greg E (A)
(BOW) Jeff E (G)
(BOW) Tyler B (A)
(BOW) Kyle (G)
(BOW) Brandon (G)
(BOW) Brandon (A)
(BOW) Ales C (G)
(BOW) Tyler B (GWA)
(BOW) Brandon (GWG)

Man of the Match: (BOW) John G
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Tyler B
Keeper: (BOW) John G

(WHI) Loli F (A)
(WHI) Saul T(G)
(WHI) Wayne B(A)
(WHI) Pino M(G)
(WHI) Loli F(GWG)
(WHI) Pedro (G)

Man of the Match: (WHI) Roland K
Honourable Mention: (WHI) Loli F
Keeper: (WHI) Roland K

Sunday, September 16, 2018



Baron Says...

It's been a great summer of soccer this year.

The BFL is going strong, although there were a few things that seemed to interfere with operations of  how I wanted this league to run.

First and foremost was the continuing lack of guys showing up.

Understandably, it's summer, and we'll miss games due to going out with the family and friends.

Injuries take a toll on the body as well, and I am very sympathetic to that reason!

But there are more than a few guys who are consistently not showing up.
Whereas we had many full teams in June, the counts for some of the teams have gone down.

And that's a shame, considering that new player signings are not keeping up with the old players just not showing up.

What this also does is stop me from making the teams more even.
If I know I can count on nine or ten guys a week to show up, then I can move bodies around to make the games more equal.

Oshawa City Lokomotive and Dynamo Bowmanville S.C. are teams that continuously bring men to the field and the results show it.

You can't win games by plugging new guys into teams every week, only to find that they're on a different team the week after.

So, if you can make the games...please don't let your team down.
It affects a lot more than your team.

August 12th:
(WHI) Brian  (A)
(WHI) Ian (G)

Man of the Match: (WHI)  Brian
Honourable Mention: (WHI) Ian

(OSH) Abe (A)
(OSH) Brad (G)
(OSH) Brad (GWA)
(OSH) Curtis (GWG)
(OSH) Mike (A)
(OSH) Brad (G)

Man of the Match: (OSH) Tom
Honourable Mention: (OSH) Brad

(BOW) Freddie (A)
(BOW) Tray (G)
(BOW) Devon Bo (Y)

Man of the Match: (BOW) Kai
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Tray

(COR) Stephen (A)
(COR) Tray (G)
(COR) Stephen (GWA)
(COR) Devon Br (GWG)
(COR) Mike S (A)
(COR) Tyler (G)
(COR) Devon Br (G)
(COR) Mike S (G)

Man of the Match: (COR) Devon Br
Honourable Mention: (COR) Trevor
Winning Keeper: (COR) Trevor

AUGUST 19th:

DYNAMO BOWMANVILLE S.C. and COURTICE A.S.C.both default due to lack of players

AUGUST 26th:

(OSH) Derrick (A)
(OSH) Curtis (G)
(OSH) Abe (A)
(OSH) Pedro (G)
(OSH) Nate (A)
(OSH) Austin (G)

Man of the Match:
Honourable Mention:

(COR) Devon B (A)
(COR) Tray (G)

Man of the Match:
Honourable Mention:


(OSH) Abe (A)
(OSH) Darren (G)
(OSH) Curtis (A)
(OSH) Derrick (G)
(OSH) Curtis (A)
(OSH) Nate (G)
(OSH) Dareen (A)
(OSH) Abe (G)
(OSH) Derrick (G)
(OSH) Abe (A)
(OSH) Nate (G)
(OSH) Luis (A)
(OSH) Tom (G)
(OSH) Curtis (G)
(OSH) Abe (A)
(OSH) Luis (G)

Man of the Match:
Honourable Mention:

(COR) Cory (A)
(COR) Ian P (G)
(COR) Darren (GWA)
(COR) Stephen (GWG)
(COR) Stephen (A)
(COR) Derrick (G)
(COR) Tyler (A)
(COR) Cory (G)

Man of the Match: Trevor
Honourable Mention: Tyler
Winning Keeper: Trevor

(WHI) James P (G)

Man of the Match: (WHI) James P
Honourable Mention: (WHI) Nate

Saturday, July 28, 2018





The battle of the Round Two giants began with Lokomotive fielding just enough players to avoid being defaulted.

Action was non stop from end to end...with each team seeing posts and crossbars.

A brilliant goal by the "dream team" of Curtis and Brad in the second half seemed to light a fire under the league leaders.

But Courtice held strong, kept in check by the wily veteran Keeper Trevor.

On the last play of the game, Captain Anders led a charge, only to come up empty.

The entire game was settled by one goal, to Oshawa.


The lads from Whitby seemed a bit deflated without their Captain, who is currently undergoing surgery to repair a tore muscle.

Physicians for Whitby tell us that Captain Robb could be out for almost three weeks!

But the game was virtually even throughout most of the game.

In the last ten minutes, though, Bowmanville, who needed the points to stay in pace with Oshawa, broke it open.

Video Assisted Replay was consulted on the two Green goals, which were allowed by the Official upon closer examination of the evidence.

This game ended 4-2.


(OSH) Curtis (GWA)
(OSH) Brad (GWG)

Man of the Match: (OSH) Brad
Honourable Mention: (OSH) Austin
Keeper: (OSH) Darren

Man of the Match: (COR) Cory
Honourable Mention: (COR) Trey

(BOW) Kai (A)
(BOW) Jahlani (G)
(BOW) Jahlani (A)
(BOW) Lloyd (G)
(BOW) Jahlani (GWA)
(BOW) Mansoor (GWG)
(BOW) Lloyd (G)

Man of the Match: (BOW) Lloyd Rang
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Erik
Keeper: (BOW) Carlos (WIN)


Man of the Match: (WHI) Matt D
Honourable Mention (WHI) George

Sunday, July 22, 2018



Baron's Football League Update:

Some great games last weekend.
I am continuously impressed by the guys on the pitch!


Here's a classic confrontation between two teams who know each other real well!

The action was tight, and by the end of the first half, there was no real winner in sight.

The second half proved to be the doom of the Greens, though, as they lacked enough subs to continue at their pace.

Lokomotive used their substitutes to wear down their opponents and slip ahead by a goal.
Their second came as Dynamo attempted to tie the game down on a last minute play.


With their win last week, the lads from Courtice were read to do it again.

Both sides drew many chances in the first half.
Whitby seemed to have the better, with a few going off the uprights!

But scoring didn't start until the second half of the second half.

Courtice broke away and pocketed a nifty shot.
Whitby came back right after the whistle, and tied it up.

It wasn't until the very last play of the game that Courtice went ahead to stay.


(WHI) George (A)
(WHI) James P (G)

Man of the Match: (WHI) James P
Honourable Mention: (WHI) George

(COR) Steve D (A)
(COR) Cory W (G)
(COR) Devon Brown (GWA)
(COR) Cory W (GWG)

Man of the Match: (COR) Trevor
Honourable Mention: (COR) Tyler
Keeper: (COR) Trevor (WIN)

(OSH) Luis (A)
(OSH) Abe (G)
(OSH) Derrick (A)
(OSH) Curtis (G)
(OSH) Pedro (A)
(OSH) Curtis (G)
(OSH) Darren (GWA)
(OSH) Derrick (GWG)

Man of the Match: (OSH) Abe
Honourable Mention: (OSH) Derrick
Keeper: (OSH) Luis (WIN)

(BOW) Lloyd (A)
(BOW) Brad (G)
(BOW) Brad (A)
(BOW) Chevez (G)
(BOW) Devon (A)
(BOW) Kai (G)
Man of the Match: (BOW) Devon
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Carlos

Saturday, July 14, 2018



Things certainly changed from the start of Round One.

Missing a few of their players, Whitby often struggled to wrest control from Lokomotive on the pitch.

There were a few moments of sheer brilliance, though, but the men in Black didn't allow any capitalizations on their mistakes.

Oshawa led the luck category, scoring goals when they really shouldn't have.

But the mid field was all Lokomotive, and with a good amount of subs, shut down Whitby completely, giving Darren a clean sheet.

Over the week, a new mid fielder was signed to Courtice, which seemed to energize the lads.

They scored two in the first few minutes, and Green struggled to regain some initiative.

Tray, Stephen and Devon were solid in the offensive mid, stopping concerted plays from Bowmanville.

A late goal by Dynamo stepped up the tempo of the match, but Courtice held on for their first win of the year.

Captain Ander's wife was so shocked at the result, that she went into labour.
Everyone from the Baron's Football League wishes both parents and child all the best in this time of great joy!


(OSH) Tom (GWA)
(OSH) Derrick (GWG)
(OSH) Nate (A)
(OSH) Curtis (G)
(OSH) Pedro (A)
(OSH) Derrick (G)
(OSH) Abe (A)
(OSH) Pedro (G)

Man of the Match: (OSH) Pedro
Honourable Mention: (OSH) Derrick
Keeper: (OSH) Darren (WIN) (CLEAN SHEET)

Man of the Match: (WHI) Steve M
Honourable Mention: (WHI) Matt

(COR) Stephen (A)
(COR) Cory (G)
(COR) Cory (GWA)
(COR) Stephen (GWG)

Man of the Match: (COR) Stephen
Honourable Mention (COR) Tyler
Keeper: (COR) Trevor (WIN)

(BOW) Mansoor (G)

Man of the Match: (BOW) Devon B
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Carlos

Sunday, July 8, 2018



Round two of the League starts after a Canada Day hiatus.

During the holiday break, Baron was able to secure new prospects which will be delivered to the teams this weekend.

"I'm very excited that the league is getting new blood" said Baron, " and I hope that this leads to new teams!"

Saturday, June 23, 2018



Baron's Football League came off an impressive first round with a three way tie.

Oshawa, Whitby and Bowmanville are now tied for the top spot.

Courtice, meanwhile, is considering trades after some well played games.
Still awaiting their full team, Captain Anders was joined by Fan Favourite Devon, who showed great skill despite a two year hiatus.

"It feels good to be back," said Devon,"I am fully healed, and just have to take a few runs to get used to the competitive edge of this league."

Meanwhile, Oshawa Lokomotive Brad conducted a clinic and  rose substantially in the points competition called the Golden Orange.

"I really need to step it up," Brad revealed to reporters,"and show that I'm better than Saul can ever be. Golden Pear....move over for a crunching for the Orange!"

(COR) (A) Cory
(COR) (G) Stephen
(COR) (G) Devon

Man of the Match: (COR) Cory
Honourable Mention: (COR) Devon

(OSH) Curtis (A)
(OSH) Brad (G)
(OSH) Brad (A)
(OSH) Nate (G)
(OSH) Curtis (GWA)
(OSH) Brad (GWG)
(OSH) Abe (A)
(OSH) Brad (G)
(OSH) Nate (A)
(OSH) Brad (G)
(OSH) Pedro (A)
(OSH) Brad (G) 

Man of the Match: (OSH) Brad
Honourable Mention: (OSH) Luis
Winning Keeper: (OSH) Luis

(WHI) Oles (G)
(WHI) Doug (A)
(WHI) George (G)
(WHI) Doug (A)
(WHI) Ken (G)

Man of the Match: (WHI) Brian
Honourable Mention: (WHI) George

(BOW)  Mansoor (G)
(BOW) Kai (A)
(BOW) Mansoor (G)
(BOW) Devon (G)
(BOW) Chevez (GWG)

Man of the Match: (BOW) Mansoor
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Erik
Winning Keeper: (BOW) Carlos

Saturday, June 16, 2018



It rained opening weekend.

The next week it was sunny and just a lovely football day.

This year, with the help of the Oshawa Kicks, Baron's Football League started four teams.

Oshaawa City Lokomotive
Energie Whitby F.C.
AFL Dynamo Bowmanville
Courtice ASC

From the players, it appears that the idea of true REC soccer is really taking off.

The guys love it, and we're getting spectators enjoying the games.

Now some of the matches were uneven...we'll be adjusting teams as we move forward.

And don't forget, we're going to have "Baron's Cup" games every month end.

Now that's REAL football!


(WHI) George (G)
(WHI) Steve (GWA)
(WHI) Rob (GWG)
(WHI) Rob (A)
(WHI) Brian (G)

Man of the Match: (WHI) Paul
Honourable Mention: (WHI) Ken
Winning Keeper: (WHI) Paul

(OSH) Derrick (A)
(OSH) Brad (G)

Man of the Match: (OSH) Derrick
Honourable Mention: (OSH) Brad

(COR) Ken (A)
(COR) Kyle (G)

Man of the Match: (COR) Kyle
Honourable Mention: (COR) Justin

(BOW) Kai (G)
(BOW) Chris (GWA)
(BOW) Kai (GWG)
(BOW) Nate (A)
(BOW) Brad (G)
(BOW) Jason (A)
(BOW) Devon (G)
(BOW) Devon (G)

Man of the Match: (BOW) Devon
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Mansoor
Winning Keeper: (BOW) George

(WHI) George (A)
(WHI) James (G)
(WHI) George (G)
(WHI) Ken (GWA)
(WHI) Doug (GWG)
(WHI) Ken (A)
(WHI) James (G)

Man of the Match: (WHI) James
Honourabale Mention: (WHI) Ken
Winning Keeper: (WHI) Paul

(OSH) Brad (A)
(OSH) Tom (G)
(OSH) Brad (A)
(OSH) Darren (G)
(OSH) Darren (A)
(OSH) Derrick (G)
(OSH) Nate (GWA)
(OSH) Derrick (GWG)
(OSH) Nate  (A)
(OSH) Derrick (G)
(OSH) Derrick (A)
(OSH) Brad P (G)
(OSH) Darren (A)
(OSH) Derrick (G)
(OSH) Brad P (A)
(OSH) Derrick (G)
(OSH) Nate (A)
(OSH) Derrick (G)

Man of the Match: (OSH) Derrick
Honourable Mention (OSH) Darren
Winning Keeper: (OSH) Luis

(BOW) Kai (G)
(BOW) Chris (A)
(BOW) Kai (G)
(BOW) Chevez (A)
(BOW) Brad (G)

Man of the Match: (BOW) Chevez
Honourable Mention: (BOW) Devon

(COR) Stephen D (G)
(COR) Devon (G)

Man of the Match: (COR) Trevor
Honourable Mention (COR) Stephen

Sunday, June 3, 2018


Who will win the Coveted Accolade?

After years of enduring the slow demise of the REC scene, I decided to do something about it.

REC leagues are being overrun by REP teams who can't compete against other strong teams. So they go into the fun leagues.

This has a disastrous effect on guys who just want to play each week. You know, the men who want to run about, sweat it out and socialize with other males.

The Oshawa Kicks gave me this opportunity.

I didn't know how it would go. And the initial proceedings made me believe that I was wrong. Maybe I had misjudged the scene.

But as the weeks went by, more and more men wanted a chance to see how this worked.

And today, the opening day, we have four teams.

Will there be more?

I hope so.

Soccer/Football is a beautiful game. It teaches us how to improve ourselves, and how to work with teams and ourselves when the situation arises.

And it's important for guys to have an outlet to show their spouses and kids that exercise is not just for the young...but for all of us.

I'll run this as long as I have interest.

So come on by, and join us for a Sunday evening of excitement! 

Saturday, May 12, 2018

A proud moment for Captain Aaron

 The Oshawa Civic Auditorium was filled to capacity when TSV Lokomotive and Energie F.C. arrived to compete for the most prestigious cup in Thornton's Corners!

Lokomotive took on their rivals Energie in what was surely the best match of all time.

Energie led the scoring, notching a sweet goal within the first five minutes.

Lokomotive struggled back, using the give and go to equalize.

The wily veteran Saul found an opening in the twine and made Energie up by one.

Rookie Brandon sent a blistering shot into the net, no chance for the Keeper, and tied the game.

2:2 at the half.

The two sides jockeyed back and forth for most of the second half.
Some great chances by either side didn’t translate into goals.

An unlucky break caught Energie flat footed, and Lokomotive did not give up the gift.

3:2 Blacks
A few minutes later, a flurry in front of the Grey Keeper and it was 4:2 Lokomotive.

Not one to give up, Energie stormed back and made it 4:3!

Dying seconds, and the Champions are all over Lokomotive.
Surely there’s a goal…but the challengers clear the ball.

And that’s how it ended…4:3 final.

Darren named MVP of the game

Sunday, April 15, 2018



Who Scored that Winner???

The playoffs in soccer are a thing of beauty.

If you give Germany a best of seven against another team, chances are that they will win every single time. That's the power of being one of the greatest Soccer powers the world has ever known.

But if you put everything into a high stakes 'winner takes all' single elimination match, well, then it's anyone's game.

This is what happened against the current season winners Lokomotive.

They have four guys in the top ten of scoring.

They have a seasoned and veteran Keeper.

They had the confidence and morale.

And yet, when the final whistle went, they were packing up for the golf courses.

What went wrong?

Let's not ask that question.
Wrong line of thinking.

What went right for Green?

Captain Jason deserves a lot of credit on this one.
He adjusted his lines and kept things tight.
He gave a rousing speech after the score was 1 nil.

Trevor, the Dynamo Keeper, was outstanding.
There's little doubt in anyone's mind why he won both trophies:
  • Man of Matches
  • Honourable Mention

Figure as well, this Dynamo team was without their top five scorers.
This led to each man stepping up.
And boy did they.

Erik, the Green's rookie Defender and recipient of 'Most Improved Player' was phenomenal.

Brian and Devon worked as a team, killing the defence on numerous plays.

In the end, the game could have gone either way.
And this time, it went that way.

Baron Sports Network

Saturday, April 7, 2018


Brian brings up the ball for a shot!

The year has been an assorted of high hopes, frustrated wishes, and thrilling wins.

Lokomotive showed that they were a tour de force this year, starting out weakly, but gaining steam.
They won many games in the second half of the season.
They beat the top teams in the "B" League, and gave the top "A" team a run for their money.
 I see good things for this side next year.

Energie also had their ups and downs, including a slump in the middle that did much injury.
They had to deal with opinionated REF's that couldn't call the game straight.
In the end, they took a game from Lokomotive and proved why they won last year.

Dynamo started the year with so much promise.
Their top five scorers were on fire, and the mid field couldn't be beaten.
Then their players started dropping due to injury.
In the end, only Brian was left of the "Fatal Five" and even his skill couldn't solve scoring issues.

The Playoffs are now underway.

 I hope to see that our lads continue the work that they have started.

(SD) Devon (A)
(SD) Derrick (G)
(SD) Brian (G)
(SD) Brian (G)

Man of the Match: Jason
Honourable Mention: Derrick

(SE) Matt (A)
(SE) Saul (G)

Man of the Match: Carlos
Honourable Mention: Andrew

(SL) Tom (A)
(SL) Aaron (G)
(SL) Aaron (A)
(SL) Darren (G)

Man of the Match: Aaron
Honourable Mention: Ross

Sunday, March 25, 2018



Outdoor Keeper Nelson provides Fans with a Show!

Over the Weekend, we saw some great moments in the world of Spartan Football.


Dynamo has been struggling as of late, what with their offensive line decimated by injuries. In fact, their top Golden Pear leaders with the exception of Brian, are out.

This put them in to a tough spot, especially when Energie put in renowned Keeper Nelson. One of the top netminders in the League, Nelson plays for one of the "A" league leaders.

This seemed to set the stage, as the Greys seemed sluggish initially. The Greens overwhelmed them with a few quick pops, which Nelson saved. This seemed to invigorate Energie.

After going down two in the first, Dynamo collected themselves and kept the pace about 50-50. Some great shots were saved, including a near impossible redirect that only Nelson could make.

The end of the game definitely proved that Energie was the better team on this day, but Captain Jason is ready to meet them in the playoffs.


Things were Krazy (with a "K") during this long awaited match up. With the Reds fielding a complete team on the pitch, most wrote off Lokomotive's chances.

But Captain Aaron kept the team on a short leash...keeping discipline on a high. Despite having lost their two Keepers, Darren played some spectacular net minding and clearly made his opponent's job a living hell.

At the end, the Blacks extended their win streak to two, and proved that they could beat the top teams Oshawa could throw against them.


(SD) Devon (YELLOW)
Man of the Match: (SD) Trevor
Honourable Mention: (SD) Derrick

(SE) Andrew (GWA)
(SE) Matt (GWG)
(SE) Saul (A)
(SE) Matt (G)
(SE) Matt (A)
(SE) Roger (G)
(SE) Loli (A)
(SE) Andrew (G)
(SE) Nelson (A)
(SE) Saul (G)

(SE) Saul (Yellow)

Man of the Match: (SE) Matt
Honourable Mention: (SE) Saul
Keeper: (**) Nelson (WIN)

(SL) Steven M (A)
(SL) Brandon (G)
(SL) Stephen S (GWA)
(SL) Luis (GWG)
(SL) Vince (A)
(SL) Brandon (G)

Man of the Match: (SL) Darren
Honourable Mention: (SL) Brandon
Keeper: (SL) Darren (WIN)

Saturday, March 17, 2018



Brandon and the Boys Celebrate

VfB Dynamo:
With the loss of numerous stars like Sean, William, Leigh, Cam, Kam, etc, Captain Jason faced a daunting task in delivering the team against Red F.C.

Oshawa's Lead Team broke it open in the first few minutes with a nifty give and go and then pocket from the unmarked man.

Although the defence was getting better, our opponents gave a hot shot that hit the twine just before the half.

But our heroes in Green were determined to make the most of their game.

At the half way mark of the second, new comer drifted a pass to Baron, who solidly curved it into the net.

A few minutes later, Golden Pear competitor Brian notched his league leading goal to tie the game.

And that's how it ended, despite a flurry from the Reds in the last minutes.

Energie Spartans F.C.
The team was back against Azul F.C., a team that they have never defeated.

The action was fast and furious, with our opponents scoring to go ahead, only to have Saul and his Quadragos (Saul, Steve, Loli, Andrew) tie things up.

A last minute goal saved the game, and the two teams were left with a TIE.

TSV Spartans Lokomotive
Things looked bad for the Blacks at the get go. Down one man, it would be the fifth minute before they had a complete team, and minutes later some subs.

But on this day, Captain Aaron would lead his squad to a crushing victory.

Shorthanded, Tom scored a blooper that seemed to exert our team's authority on the pitch.

In the end, although challenged heavily, our opponents went down to defeat.


(SD) Devon (A)
(SD) Baron (G)
(SD) Brian (G)

Man of the Match: Devon
Honourable Mention: Baron
Keeper: Trevor

(SE) Wayne (A)
(SE) Saul (G)
(SE) Loli (A)
(SE) Saul (G)
(SE) Saul (A)
(SE) Loli (G)
(SE) Saul (A)
(SE) Loli (G)
(SE) Saul (A)
(SE) Steve (G)

Man of the Match: Loli
Honourable Mention: Saul
Keeper: Wayne

(SL) Brandon (SHA)
(SL) Tom (SHG)
(SL) Brandon (GWA)
(SL) Steve M (GWG)
(SL) Brandon (A)
(SL) Steve M (G)
(SL) Aaron (A)
(SL) Luis (G)

Man of the Match: Jon
Honourable Mention: Brandon
Keeper: Brent

Saturday, March 3, 2018



Last Sunday we had another inexplicable result in the Spartan Derby.

Let's not get a head of ourselves and say that Lokomotive is the best team in years.
There have been other less skilled but more reliable teams who have played in the past.

At the end of the game, Terry mentioned that his team had played their game.
And they won.
All cylinders were firing, and they defeated their rivals.

Captain Aaron, reflecting on his team's effort, revealed that his squad took the game for granted.
"We let them dictate pace and initiative. A few bad goals and it was over for us"

And that's the difference between winning a Championship, and being second place.

Energie, who started out strong, hit a tank trap and floundered for most of the season.
There was some in fighting...frustration and anger.
But, as good teams do, they turned it around, reorganized and started a clear path to the Cup.

Can Lokomotive do the same?

With only a few weeks left to the big game, they had better, or the Greys will have another star.

DYNAMO and the LOST roster

The Greens, who started out great, have been reeling from a number of hits to the roster.

They lost five players, of whom are their top scorers.

Pressure on Brian to win the Golden Pear is mounting, as he rookie attempts to find a solution to his woes.

With only a few games remaining, Captain Jason has his hands full!

(SD) Brad (A)
(SD) Brian (G)
(SD) Brian (G)

Man of the Match: Brad
Honourable Mention: Trevor

(SE) Steve R  (G)
(SE) Andrew (A)
(SE) Mark (G)
(SE) Steve R (GWA)
(SE) Andrew (GWG)
(SE) Saul (G)
(SE) Matt (A)
(SE) Saul (G)

Man of the Match: Saul
Honourable Mention: Steve R

(SL) Brandon (A)
(SL) Steve M (G)
(SL) Aaron (A)
(SL) Stephen S (G)

Man of the Match: Luis
Honourable Mention: Darren

Saturday, February 24, 2018



Baron says:

The game between the Blacks and Greens was one of great anticipation.

Lokomotive won the first game by a single goal.
Dynamo took the second completing destroying their opposition.

The third game between the two started out as a chess match.

A ball off the post, off the crossbar, Keeper saves and desperate Defender actions kept the game nil at half.

After the fifth minute in the second, some sloppy playing by Dynamo gave Lokomotive their first goal.
From that point forward, Dynamo couldn't mount any comeback...and the Blacks punished them for it.

The key to this game proved to be the discipline that Captain Aaron kept on the team.

Where Green seemed almost manic to grab a goal, their opponents contained the play, and then messed up the Defenders for numerous chances.

Kudos need to go to Luis, who managed the net well. He stole two sure goals from Baron, and that gave the team enough confidence to emerge victorious.

Next week, Energie takes on Lokomotive in an explosive game.


Man of the Match: (SD) Leo
Honourable Mention: (SD) Trevor

(SE) Saul (A)
(SE) Adam (G)
(SE) Saul (A)
(SE) Ryan (G)
(SE) Saul (A)
(SE) Steve R (G)

Man of the Match: (SE) Adam
Honourable Mention: (SE) Ryan

(SL) Darren (GWA)
(SL) Brandon (GWG)
(SL) Brandon (A)
(SL) Aaron (G)
(SL) Brandon (A)
(SL) Darren (G)
(SL) Luis (A)
(SL) Brandon (G)

Man of the Match: (SL) Brandon
Honourable Mention: (SL) Luis
Keeper: (SL) Luis (WIN + CLEAN SHEET)

Saturday, February 17, 2018



Baron says:

I was really looking forward to this match between my Greys and Red F.C.
Energie Spartans F.C. has more depth than this team, and they have some fine defenders and strikers.

But, as with many games, our team was strung out a bit due to missing players.
The lads did well at half, taking a 1 nil lead.

Red F.C. showed their mettle, and scored two goal in the second half.

With time running down, Energie pressured and kept the ball going inside the opponent half.
One of their Defenders handled the ball within the 18, and the awarded Penalty Kick went in.

Tie game. Great job guys!!!

The Blacks were up against Azul F.C., a strong Latino team.
Last time the Blacks lost in an effortless affair...would they take revenge?

By half time, it looked all over.
Azul was ahead, and that's the way it looked to end.

But Lokomotive came back, summoned up their team spirit and played their game.
Controlling the play, they led attack after attack, inching up to tie the game.

With time running down, they went ahead.
But with two minutes left, Azul pulled the Keeper and went after that all important goal.

In the end, though, it was Lokomotive who steamed to victory!

VfB Dynamo was up against one of the League leaders on Sunday.

It was a hard pressed affair, with both sides creating some great chances only to be stymied by even better defending.

At the half it was 1 nil Hammers.

The second half seemed to go better for the Greens with numerous chances.
But it was painfully obvious that without their complete finishing team, nothing was going in the net.

A last minute goal was awarded to the Hammers, and that's how it ended.


Man of the Match: (SD) Trevor
Honourable Mention: (SD) Leo

(SE) Andrew (A)
(SE) Saul (G)
(SE) Andrew (G)

Man of the Match: Roger A
Honourable Mention: Saul
Keeper: Wayne (TIE)

(SL) Tom (A)
(SL) Steven M (G)
(SL) Curtis (G)
(SL) Aaron (A)
(SL) Brandon (G)
(SL) Roger (A)
(SL) Luis (G)
(SL) Brandon (A)
(SL) Curtis (G)
(SL) Stephen S (GWA)
(SL) Brandon (GWG)

(SL) Talon (Yellow Card)
(SL) Curtis (Yellow Card)

Man of the Match: Luis
Honourable Mention: Darryl
Keeper: Luis (WIN)

Sunday, February 11, 2018



Curtis keeps his Opponent checked

The game was well matched, going into Round Two of the Spartan Derby.

Energie was the more complete team, fielding their regulars plus a sub.
Baron was on the Greys, and then sided with the Greens after a sub showed up for the later.

Energie showed that they had a lot of depth, something that makes a champion team.

Dynamo was without their star strikers (all three were off that day) and the effort showed.
It was easy for Green to get the ball up to the Energie half, but difficult to convert the play.

In the end, both teams had a good game.
There was some rough play, but a lot less than would be expected at this level.

Congrats guys!

(SD) Derek (A)
(SD) Derrick (G)

Man of the Match: Derrick
Honourable Mention: Derek

(SE) Andrew (A)
(SE) Saul (G)
(SE) Andrew (GWA)
(SE) Carlos (GWG)
(SE) Loli (G)

Man of the Match: Loli
Honourable Mention: Saul
Keeper: Adam

(SL) Aaron (A)
(SL) Stephen S (G)
(SL) Vince (A)
(SL) Stephen S (G)
(SL) Stephen S (A)
(SL) Aaron (G)

Man of the Match: Stephen S
Honourable Mention: Luis

Sunday, February 4, 2018



The joys of Victory, the agonies of Defeat

Baron Says:
It is through defeat that we learn about ourselves and our abilities.

If we won most of the time, and I'm talking generally about anything, we as a species can not learn.

It's adversity that brings the best out of us.

What works and what doesn't is defined through defeat.

If we kept winning, that process would never be undone.

It's great to feel that rush. The idea that everything is running great and it's full steam ahead. That's healthy and ego boosting.

But remember that each loss makes you consider new ideas and new strategies. Learn, adapt, and then overcome.

A great lesson for life!

(SD) Leigh (A)
(SD) Brian (G)
(SD) Leigh (A)
(SD) Brian (G)
(SD) Brian (A)
(SD) Leigh (G)
(SD) Sean (G)

Man of the Match: (SD) Leigh
Honourable Mention: (SD) Sean

(SE) Andew (G)
(SE) Andrew (A)
(SE) Saul (G)

(SE) Carlos (Yellow)

Man of the Match: (SE) Adam
Honourable Mention (SE): Carlos

(SL) Abe (A)
(SL) Brandon (G)
(SL) Vince (A)
(SL) Aaron (G)
(SL) Aaron (GWA)
(SL) Darryl (GWG)

Man of the Match: (SL) Darren
Honourable Mention: (SL) Darryl
Keeper: (SL) Darren


(SD) Derrick (A)
(SD) Brian (G)

Man of the Match: Trevor
Honourable Mention: Derek

(SE) Saul (A)
(SE) Adam (G)
(SE) Loli (A)
(SE) Steve R (G)
(SE) Terry (A)
(SE) Saul (G)
(SE) Andrew (A)
(SE) Loli (G)
(SE) Terry (A)
(SE) Saul (G)

Man of the Match: (SE) Loli
Honourable Mention (SE) Terry

Man of the Match (SL) Darren
Honourable Mention: (SL) Talon

Saturday, January 20, 2018



Derrick can't believe he scored!

In one game, the Greens have made history.

Fans have been calling this the match of Dynamo. It is the first time they have won a Spartan Derby Match, and they did it very convincingly against highly favoured Lokomotive.

"We just went out there and played our game," began Captain J of Dynamo," and the guys did their stuff."

Pundits, who were warning that Dynamo was severely underrated, pointed to the fact that the main characters of the team were healthy.

"You had a combo of Brian and the Heaney brothers, which is a deadly combination for any team. Then on defence you had the Captain of the team holding up with some key figures," explained Gerry Dobson.

Whatever the reason, the win means that the Cup final is far from being told.

This week, the two rivals (Energie and Lokomotive) put aside their differences in a Cup game that should shake the foundations of the Dome apart.

(SD) Leigh (A)
(SD) Derrick (G)
(SD) Brian (A)
(SD) Bill (G)
(SD) Brian (GWA)
(SD) Jason (A)
(SD) Leigh (G)
(SD) Leigh (A)
(SD) Brian (G)
(SD) Bill (G)
(SD) Leigh (A)
(SD) Derek (G)

Keeper: Trevor
Man of the Match: Justin
Honourable Mention: Brad

(SE) Carlos (A)
(SE) Andrew (G)

Man of the Match: Andrew
Honourable Mention: Steve R

(SL) Stephen S (A)
(SL) Darren (G)
(SL) Aaron (A)
(SL) Abe (G)

Man of the Match: Aaron
Honourable Mention: Darren

Sunday, January 14, 2018



The Action was Intense during the Borussia Heaney and Hertha Imrie Game!
The play was fast and furious for one of Soccer's most prestigious tournaments.

Although many stars like Messi and Mueller covet the additional accolades to their respected resumes, only the chosen few can actually participate.

"I've been in previous Baron's Cups," revealed Sean,"and I can vouch that this is indeed one of the highest of quality awards within the region"

After four rounds, the tournament leader, Bayern MacKin was declared the winner.

Although undefeated, Werder Tavares fell to third, as Hertha Imrie had more wins.

"I don't understand how we never got beaten," complained Saul," and we end up third. Like how does that work? No one beat us."

Captain Tom, of Hertha Imrie could only laugh.
"It's all about the wins today, and a lack of wins made Saul a whiner!"

(SD) Brad (A)
(SD) Brian (G)
(SD) Kam (G)
(SD) Bill (A)
(SD) Brian (G)
(SD) Bill (A)
(SD) Bill (G)

Man of the Match: Bill
Honourable Mention: Brian