Wednesday, February 13, 2013



The Baron says:
"A team can have brilliant players. But if those brilliant players don't behave like a team, they're fooling themselves"

Game Analysis

We played with more discipline, effort and focus. Although we went down 4-0 at the half, we didn't allow any of those ridiculous goals that we had in the past. Three of the four against us were excellent shots from out of the 18.

The second half we got sloppy. Maybe the wrong people were in the wrong positions. But we had three goals that were just simply avoidable. No one was covering the obvious pass...and that was sad. After that we settled down and started playing smart, scoring two goals.

A word on volunteering on the Chrome Team. I wanted you guys to see how a team plays. Individually, they're not on the same level as we are. On a team level we're no where near where they are. And that's why they're undefeated in four. Even when they ask us to play, they incorporate us into that team play. Those that volunteered should have seen this. How they watch the field. How they open up. How they rush back to cover the net. I respect their efforts. This is what I have been attempting to do with us.

Our Next Game: Hasbeens United

This is the worst team in the league. No wins.

We need to start playing as a team. Individually our players are great. But there's no coordination. No movement with each other. And that's where we're failing.

Our Plan:

Our wingers will produce the offense, with our Centre Mid and Centre Back providing defense and positional options

Cover your man on the defensive. On a goal kick, you should have a man covered. Make them shoot the ball into a 50-50 option.

Keep going after the player. If they get around you, you chase them. You make their race to the goal as harrowing as you can. Giving up and letting them go means that you've already lost the game. This is one of the few things that you can control. Don't be a loser. Even if you can't get in front of your mark, you're making him nervous and making the resulting pass or shot more shaky.

I want good subbing. I noticed last game that there were tired players on field. The only person you're fooling is yourself. I know you're gassed. Your team mates know. Again, don't play to lose. Play to win.


Tyler (G)
Trevor (PK)

Man of the Match:

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