Sunday, September 30, 2012


Fans are Upset!
With the season ended, Coach Baron reflected upon the year's results.

"Obviously I'm disappointed with our loss at the playoffs. We owned that team all year, and I don't think injuries had anything to do with it. The simple fact was that we had too many players and not enough team mates."

Down 4 goals to 1, the Spartans started a strong first half. They kept possession 85% of the time, and were in the opponent's zone 80% of the initial 45 minutes.

"Can't buy a goal!" said F'n J at half time.

With so much on the line, things were jostled around to encourage more offensive power.

But the rivals scored first, on a goal that was just soft enough to confuse Mark.

From there, Darlington FC continued to dominate, and pocketed another just moments later.

The only ray of light came from Carmen, who was quick to pocket the offering deflection and into the net with a curved shot.
"If that kind of ball gets to me, I'll send it into the twine," laughed Carmen, who had his most successful season.

With darkness overtaking the pitch, the Referee called the game, albeit 10 minutes early.

"Overall, we started the season very well, and recorded some very nice wins, and close losses. But later in the season we forgot everything that we did right, and went back to last year's efforts." explained Coach Baron.

Carmen (1)

Mark (2) (1-0-11 AVG: )

Man of the Match:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012



Game two is all about Sacrifice.

For 90 minutes (give or take a few minutes depending on the officiating) you'll be asked to give it your all.
You need to learn from you failures! Improve and grow as a man to the better!

I've attempted to lead by example. I played hard, adjusted my play from those times when I failed, and never gave up. I sacrificed my own playing time so that my players could play, and play well.

A good player is one that will use his abilities as he would use his arms, hands and feet in a daily routine. Without thinking, just doing without regard to what goes on around him.

A great player will hone his senses. His legs, eyes, feet and body become a tool with which to move the play. His heart will show and become contagious. He will encourage others to soar when they wish to lay. A great player will not be defined on how skillful he is...but how he performs under pressure in the chase to win!

This Sunday each of you have the opportunity to show what kind of person you truly have become.

You will Sacrifice yourselves, work for the team, and work for the win that you deserve.

Game One of Playoffs:

Dismo (PK)

Mark (4) (1-0-9)

Man of the Match:

Friday, September 14, 2012


Triumph and Tragedy in 18 Parts


Overall, I have to say that I am pleased with the season.

This year I made a number of changes, and I think (for the most part) that they were effective.

We centered upon finding each person their role on the team, and experimented to find the best out of each man.

We had a lot of injuries, and a lot of players that were overloaded in other aspects of their social lives.

The First Half of the season really showed promise. We won one, tied one (which was my target) and kept all games very close. Our Lads showed real team work. Most games were lost by one goal. And we actually played the best against the team that took the league by almost 20 points.

In the Secon Half of the season, we started losing a lot of our players from injuries. Players got frustrated, which accounted for some poor showings. It was my intention that each man would hold themselves accountable in terms of discipline. The Gods know how I felt, but adhered to my own words of not boiling over. Some of you learned. For others it will be a learning experience.

We faltered for the most part. Forgot what made us great in the First Half of the season. It seemed many of you just packed it in for the last three games. And that's a shame, because it means you didn't enjoy yourselves. And enjoyment in the game is one of the keys to winning.

We did pick up two wins, which again was ahead of my target.

With the Playoffs up for grabs, we really need to find ourselves again. Go back to what made the team work. In that mindset, I need each and every player to dig deep and play as a "well oiled machine".

Remember, you get what you give!

Thanks for a good regular season...and your efforts for the upcoming playoffs.

Game 6 of 6 Stats:
Mark (4) (1-0-8)

Man of the Match

Wednesday, September 5, 2012



"Enough is enough," yelled Mayor Tommy Shanks at the end of Monday's Game."Either shape up or ship...OUT!"

Unkind words were abounding in Oshawa, as the drubbing hit home to residents.

"Looks like we got ourselves some Maple Leafs" commented one fan.

"what has 42 legs and lives in the basement?" joked another," the Spartans."

Michael Ballack, long time fan of the Spartans had these points to make after the game:
1) they lose the ball 95% of the time on the dump and chase
2) they didn't challenge for the ball 80% of the time
3) they challenged their opponents 35% of the time, and won 90% of those challenges
4) they completed 95% of their short passes. In fact, the short pass was their best option if:
5) they kept passing options open (60%)

With one game left, a win would salvage a season that has already shattered expectations.

"We've got a better record than any other season," reported Coach Baron," and it would be a damn shame to end this season on a whimper."

Mark (7) (1-0-7) AVG:
