Monday, July 5, 2010

Spartan Practice! -- July 7th

If anyone is interested in a practice, please leave comments of when and where. We can take a field in Oshawa, Courtice, etc. Courtice HS may be good.

I need to improve my game, so I'll go even if there's three people. As long as we can try some things and strengthen our game.


The Ghost of Banquo said...

We don't even need a field, but a nice area to kick the ball about and make some plays. If you're interested in a day, put it down here. Someone else might be into it!

Unknown said...

Tonight (Wednesday) or even show up an hour or so before the game ?

The Baron said...

I'm all in for coming an hour earlier to go over some patterns and techniques.

Is anyone else coming early for our night game?

We'll have a set practice July 14th. More info to follow the game.

Unknown said...

I will be there an hour early to warm up and practice.